"Project Z" by local film maker GIFilms, LLC, played at the Fairmont Orchid in Mauna Lani to an enthusiastic BIFF (Big Island Film Festival) audience.
The murder mystery / comedy takes a path of entrigue as the primary suspect uses his paranormal investigative skills to prove his innocence, all-the-while uncovering a government program to convert dead military personnel into a force of super soldiers.
Your role in the movie "Project Z+" is that of a tourist on vacation who, while crazed on rock and roll,
has fallen from a balcony and needs to be rescued by Dr. Zimmerman and his back-to-life serum.
Your three friends and/or family members (of any age) react to your apparent passing and then to your subsequent recovery.
Filming in Waikoloa
or in other locations by special arrangementTo make a reservation:
(808) 883-3338
Send us an email with your
contact information.
P.O. Box 385559
Waikoloa, HI 96738